
by Amanda Fleet

I sort of feel I shouldn't bother with even attempting to make plans for 2022 because if I've learned anything over the last couple of years, the world will find a way to wreck those plans.

But there's something ingrained in me that in those slack days between Christmas and New Year, when I'm in a cheese-straw induced food-coma and have no real idea what day it is, that I sit down and have a think about what I might attempt to do in the upcoming year. When I look back on these plans at the end of the year, they at least have comedic value.

I know Stu has also been thinking about it, because he blogged about using a workbook to help to structure it ("Going Solo - Year End"). I'm not quite so formal in my planning. I tend to only plan my writing, not my whole life. I don't have major goals for anything outside of the books. Perhaps I should, but I seem to bimble along okay without them.

I use an A5 week to view planning diary that has space at the front for planning big projects - breaking them down into smaller goals etc., but before I even get to that, I usually have a day or so when I sit down and really think about the year ahead. This is often done on scrap paper, because I need to brainstorm, but the upshot of these deliberations go into the planning section at the start of the diary, plus the smaller goals are put into the weekly pages.

Nero's tends to do more notebooks than planners, but there are some planners on the site. I especially like the look of the Octagon monthly and weekly planners, both of which are undated and so can be started at any time of the year. The monthly planner has a month to view with lined pages between each month to brainstorm and plan in. The weekly planner covers 54 weeks, with a week to view and some lined pages front and back for planning.

Even more free-form would be the Stalogy half-year notebooks which could be used either just as a notebook or as a bullet-journal or a planner. As I say, they're fairly free-form, with only the simplest of structure that is printed lightly enough to be ignored entirely if you preferred.

Also undated, are the Write weekly planners, with a week to view and space for a to-do list/planning.

But whether you plan or not, use a fancy notebook or scrap paper, I really, really hope 2022 turns out better than 2021 was.